ACTIVITIES & eschool blog
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
February 4
Art Show - Notre Dame Academy, May 13-15, 2025
The 35th Annual Diocesan Art Exhibition will be held at Notre Dame Academy, 260 Okell St, Buffalo. All schools are welcome to attend. You can find more information and sign up through this link or scan the QR code on the attached information sheet. Your school must register by April 18th, however early registration is highly encouraged.
Thank you to all of our students who attended this year’s Chess Tournament! We had over 80 students from 13 of our schools.
We send heartfelt congratulations to this year’s winners:
1st Place - Caiden S. - St. John the Baptist, Kenmore
2nd Place - Rory S. - St. Christopher, Tonawanda
Spelling Bee
This year’s Spelling Bee has been rescheduled to Mon. Feb. 10th. We will still begin at 6pm at Mt. St. Mary’s Academy. Thank you for understanding the need to postpone due to the winter storm advisory.
Science Fair
Parents please read this helpful rule guide first and then feel free to sign up your Scientist anytime before March 21st.