/documents/Directory/2021-2022 Schools Directory ~ Fall 2021.pdfDiocese of Buffalo Department of Catholic School Directory Changes

Each year, the Department of Catholic Schools provides the elementary and secondary schools with an updated directory. This directory is a resource guide that is used by our principals, pastors, vendors  and other organizations within the Diocese of Buffalo. It is important to us that the contents of this directory be accurate. To keep it current, we are asking you to complete the form below with your anticipated changes that will be taking place in the upcoming school year. 

If you need to add an additional name to a position, please make sure that it is clearly noted under additional comments. Once you have completed and submitted the form, you will receive an email confirmation.

In the future, please know that you can notify us of any changes that take place during the school year by using this form and that revisions can be made immediately to the online version of the directory.

To meet our printing deadline, your information must be submitted by August 25th.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mary Tepley at (716) 847-5520 or by email mtepley@buffalodiocese.org.

Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to working with you in upcoming school year.

Mary A. Tepley

Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent

*Required information.

( Use Ctrl Key To Select Multiple )
/documents/Directory/2021-2022 Schools Directory ~ Winter 2022.docm.pdf